Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Cultural Art
Friday, October 28, 2016
About Minecraft P.E
Minecraft P.E
Minecraft P.E. Is a game in which you build things using you imagination.There are 2 main modes Creative and Survival.In creative mode you are supplied with infinite resources,so you can build anything you want too.you can also fly and can not take damage.In survival the resources are limited and the only way to obtain the items are by Mining,Killing Animals and crafting different items.This game is critical in a gamers life.Here are some other aspects of Minecraft P.E.
Mining And Crafting
Firstly,Mining is a very important part of Minecraft P.E,for it is the only way to obtain Rare Minerals such as Iron,Coal,Emeralds and Diamonds.Crafting,Crafting is where you fuse items to get better items with the use
of a Crafting Table.here are some crafting recipes to make tools
Secondly,Health and Hunger bar.Health bar,the health bar shows you how much health you have if you have token damage.You have 10 full hearts,You will lose all your items if you die.Hunger bar,the hunger bar shows how hungry your character is.when you hunger bar is empty you will start taking damage,To gain more hungers out eat food which comes from killing animals.The food that you gain will be raw ,you can still eat but you earn less hunger and if you eat raw chicken (From Chickens)you have a chance to get poisoned which slowly drains your health
Thirdly Mobs and Animals,mobs are creatures that are hostile and Only spawn at night and also attack you. here is every hostile mob.
Lastly Animals,animals are friendly mobs and spawn in the day they can be killed for food or food. Here are all the Friendly mobs.
In conclusion,Minecraft P.E is a excellent game.You should definitely download it.Its Really Worth It.
Critical means very important
Aspects are different things about the thing
Hostile means angry and will attack you if close
Conclusion is the ending
What I found tricky was? The thing that made it tricky was?
Finding a good idea because there are so many features I could of write about
One thing I got better with was? What helped me to get better was?
Writing better sentences.I had to use my prior knowledge
Next time I would …
Want to use more complex sentences
I am most proud of ...
My compound sentences

Minecraft P.E. Is a game in which you build things using you imagination.There are 2 main modes Creative and Survival.In creative mode you are supplied with infinite resources,so you can build anything you want too.you can also fly and can not take damage.In survival the resources are limited and the only way to obtain the items are by Mining,Killing Animals and crafting different items.This game is critical in a gamers life.Here are some other aspects of Minecraft P.E.
Mining And Crafting
Firstly,Mining is a very important part of Minecraft P.E,for it is the only way to obtain Rare Minerals such as Iron,Coal,Emeralds and Diamonds.Crafting,Crafting is where you fuse items to get better items with the use
of a Crafting Table.here are some crafting recipes to make tools
Secondly,Health and Hunger bar.Health bar,the health bar shows you how much health you have if you have token damage.You have 10 full hearts,You will lose all your items if you die.Hunger bar,the hunger bar shows how hungry your character is.when you hunger bar is empty you will start taking damage,To gain more hungers out eat food which comes from killing animals.The food that you gain will be raw ,you can still eat but you earn less hunger and if you eat raw chicken (From Chickens)you have a chance to get poisoned which slowly drains your health
Thirdly Mobs and Animals,mobs are creatures that are hostile and Only spawn at night and also attack you. here is every hostile mob.
Lastly Animals,animals are friendly mobs and spawn in the day they can be killed for food or food. Here are all the Friendly mobs.
In conclusion,Minecraft P.E is a excellent game.You should definitely download it.Its Really Worth It.
Critical means very important
Aspects are different things about the thing
Hostile means angry and will attack you if close
Conclusion is the ending
What I found tricky was? The thing that made it tricky was?
Finding a good idea because there are so many features I could of write about
One thing I got better with was? What helped me to get better was?
Writing better sentences.I had to use my prior knowledge
Next time I would …
Want to use more complex sentences
I am most proud of ...
My compound sentences
Monday, September 12, 2016
P.E. Reflection
On Friday I played blind throw. Blind Throw is a game in which you sit on a chair backwards and throw beanbags in hoops.You had to backwards because you were not allowed to look at where the hoops were.There were 3 hoops with a different amount of points.Each hoop was a different amount of points the closest one was 3 points then 9 points and the furthest was 13 points.it was boys vs versus the boys.I got the beanbag in the furthest one,2 times.Mostly I didn't apply enough power into my throw.In conclusion,I think I did pretty good,But on unfortunately the girls won.
Friday, September 9, 2016
Q & A
WALT ask open ended Questions and write full Answers
What is rap?
A rap has a rhythmic beat that goes over and over and an instrumental Drop(An Instrumental Drop Is when the music begins of slow then stops for about a second then goes fast). Raps usually are made to send a message. The instruments that are used are Drums, Synthezier, Guitar, bass, Kick, snares, claps, hi-hats and samples. Need loops and loud beats to hear singing and beat
What is the history of Rap?
West Africans and Caribbean islanders started telling stories in a rhythm and to a beat of the drum. Rapping became popular in the 1970’s in U.S. Rap was also a kind of street art among African Americans Teenagers. In the 1970’s a group named the SugarHill Gang released a new hit, called rappers delight and then by 1980 White Rap bands such as the Beastie Boys and a girl rap band named Salt-n-Pepa were also becoming very famous.In the 1990’s rapping went from simple lyrics to complex lyrics.
Who created the Olympic values and why ?why?
Pierre de Coubertin was the man that made the Olympic values. He made the Olympic values because he wanted the Olympians to pursue excellence, enjoy the effort, have balanced minds, bodies and character, show fair play and respect others.
Our design project was to make a rap that explained the Olympic values.Here is our Olympic rap based on the Olympic values
The Olympic Rap
Sameer: The Olympic values, they have their pride,
Sameer: they are dancing with joy, oh! Just nevermind.
Jeevanjot: And don't forget the fair play, ya know, it's so awesome, LET'S GO!Jeevanjot: The respect for others is overwhelming,
Sameer: I don't know what to say, maybe just don't give me a pounding?Jeevanjot: The positive is pretty good cause I know I'm rocking up that neighbourhood.
Jeevanjot: Last but not least you gotta take it in and balance it out,
Sameer: your mind and body needs to work if you want to do
How We Made Our Olympic Rap
What We Needed:
GarageBand (IPad App)
Collaboration Muscle
Google Docs/Paper
Words for rap
Growth mindset
Procedure of how we made our rap
First create the words that you will use in your rap.
Then use GarageBand to make the best music that fits your words.
Also,record your music. And your voice. Then put your voice and the music together.
After go save it and then you should be done!
Present the rap to your friends and family.
Here’s our rap in Audio Only
\Reflection/ ----------------------------------------------
Jeevanjot:I had a great time making our rap I was mostly on task I got distracted sometimes Cruze was not really doing any work but sameer was on task,I got back into to doing making our rap in the end we had to make a few changes and then we were done.
Sameer: It was a interesting and fun time to work with Jeevanjot and Cruze they both worked collaboratively with me. The most hardest thing for me was when we had to edit our rap and words so many times but at the end we were able to finish it.
Cruze: When we started to create the rap I knew it would be a hard task, k never thought we would get this far. The hardest thing for me was finding the person who created the Olympic values
And the music for the rap was hard as well as creating the words.
What is rap?
A rap has a rhythmic beat that goes over and over and an instrumental Drop(An Instrumental Drop Is when the music begins of slow then stops for about a second then goes fast). Raps usually are made to send a message. The instruments that are used are Drums, Synthezier, Guitar, bass, Kick, snares, claps, hi-hats and samples. Need loops and loud beats to hear singing and beat
What is the history of Rap?
West Africans and Caribbean islanders started telling stories in a rhythm and to a beat of the drum. Rapping became popular in the 1970’s in U.S. Rap was also a kind of street art among African Americans Teenagers. In the 1970’s a group named the SugarHill Gang released a new hit, called rappers delight and then by 1980 White Rap bands such as the Beastie Boys and a girl rap band named Salt-n-Pepa were also becoming very famous.In the 1990’s rapping went from simple lyrics to complex lyrics.
Who created the Olympic values and why ?why?
Pierre de Coubertin was the man that made the Olympic values. He made the Olympic values because he wanted the Olympians to pursue excellence, enjoy the effort, have balanced minds, bodies and character, show fair play and respect others.
Our design project was to make a rap that explained the Olympic values.Here is our Olympic rap based on the Olympic values
The Olympic Rap
Sameer: The Olympic values, they have their pride,
Sameer: they are dancing with joy, oh! Just nevermind.
Jeevanjot: And don't forget the fair play, ya know, it's so awesome, LET'S GO!Jeevanjot: The respect for others is overwhelming,
Sameer: I don't know what to say, maybe just don't give me a pounding?Jeevanjot: The positive is pretty good cause I know I'm rocking up that neighbourhood.
Jeevanjot: Last but not least you gotta take it in and balance it out,
Sameer: your mind and body needs to work if you want to do
How We Made Our Olympic Rap
What We Needed:
GarageBand (IPad App)
Collaboration Muscle
Google Docs/Paper
Words for rap
Growth mindset
Procedure of how we made our rap
First create the words that you will use in your rap.
Then use GarageBand to make the best music that fits your words.
Also,record your music. And your voice. Then put your voice and the music together.
After go save it and then you should be done!
Present the rap to your friends and family.
Here’s our rap in Audio Only
\Reflection/ ----------------------------------------------
Jeevanjot:I had a great time making our rap I was mostly on task I got distracted sometimes Cruze was not really doing any work but sameer was on task,I got back into to doing making our rap in the end we had to make a few changes and then we were done.
Sameer: It was a interesting and fun time to work with Jeevanjot and Cruze they both worked collaboratively with me. The most hardest thing for me was when we had to edit our rap and words so many times but at the end we were able to finish it.
Cruze: When we started to create the rap I knew it would be a hard task, k never thought we would get this far. The hardest thing for me was finding the person who created the Olympic values
And the music for the rap was hard as well as creating the words.
Haiku Poem/Action Poem
Usain Bolt
Winning every game
Running one hundred meters
Winning a gold medal
Winning every game
Running one hundred meters
Winning a gold medal
My Artwork
This My Artwork
The flag in the middle represents my culture,India.
The Koru's Represent Nature

The flag in the middle represents my culture,India.
The Koru's Represent Nature
Friday, July 8, 2016
My report reflection
Report Reflection for Mid Year
How have the learning muscles helped you with your learning in Maths and/or Literacy and in one other learning area for example Matariki, P.E, Art or Camp?
No bling
Options = Maths & Literacy plus one other listed
Maths or Literacy plus one other listed (e.g. maths and your choice; literacy and your choice)
Maths,the learning muscle,resilience has helped me in extension maths when things get too tricky and when I jump into the learning pit.Such as when we went to the Hastings Intermediate mathletics competition . I had to use my resilience muscle to answer all the question we got given (the questions were very tricky).In P.E, the learning muscle noticing has helped me by listening to the instructions and understanding them.I also had to notice how my teacher that was teaching us was dribbling so I knew how to properly dribble and control the ball in miniball.
How have the learning muscles helped you with your learning in Maths and/or Literacy and in one other learning area for example Matariki, P.E, Art or Camp?
No bling
Options = Maths & Literacy plus one other listed
Maths or Literacy plus one other listed (e.g. maths and your choice; literacy and your choice)
Maths,the learning muscle,resilience has helped me in extension maths when things get too tricky and when I jump into the learning pit.Such as when we went to the Hastings Intermediate mathletics competition . I had to use my resilience muscle to answer all the question we got given (the questions were very tricky).In P.E, the learning muscle noticing has helped me by listening to the instructions and understanding them.I also had to notice how my teacher that was teaching us was dribbling so I knew how to properly dribble and control the ball in miniball.
Explanation of why cars were invented.
Why vehicles were invented.
Vehicles were invented to be transportation.Transportation is something that moves and takes you somewhere.
Vehicles have a variety of wheels.Wheels don't always look the same,Wheels make the car move.Different vehicles have different number of wheels.Wheels are controlled by the steering wheel.Vehicles have many numbers of seats,it depends on what vehicle you have.Seats are L shaped things that you seat on.
There are headlights on a car,they help it see in the dark. They are really useful at night.The driver can also change the brightness of the lights and also change if they are on or off.
A vehicle has a steering wheel.A steering wheel is a circle shaped wheel that controls the wheels which are controlling which direction you go.
Cars also have a boot,it is just used as extra storage,it can be very useful in some scenarios.There is usually a button near the driver seat to unlock the boot or a button on your car keys.
The main part of the car is the engine.The engine is powered by fuel. It makes the car move.the car burns the energy to make heat which creates a force.
There is Many types of fuel such as super unleaded fuel,this is the fuel with the most octane. The fuel is available in the U.K. There is also Biodiesel.This fuel type is made from plant crops.
Each car has car key which turns on the car you can add decorations on your car keys.
Finally,In my opinion I think that cars were an incredible invention.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Name Of Article
Tsunami!Wave of destruction
I notice that tsunamis are really bad.
I notice that everything is wrecked and in the wrong place in this picture.
Before Reading
How does a tsunami occurs?
What do all the pictures mean?
What is a tsunami?
How fast do tsunamis travel?
During Reading
A tsunami is caused by an undersea earthquake.
What does transmitted mean?
What does vibration mean?
What does hurtle mean?
Tsunamis travel up to 700 kilometers per hour.
What does point of origin mean in this article?
What does recede mean?
How can the flooding extend up to 300 meters?
What does gouged mean?
What does recedes mean?
What does necessities?
What does fertile mean?what does prone?
What does seismographs mean?
What does INLAND mean?
What are officials?
What are procedures?
After Reading
No questions
Extension maths
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Monday, May 16, 2016
Jeevanjot and Ranas summary
Jeevanjot and Ranas summary,
Friday, May 6, 2016
Lost Story
Lost story
Goal=have some complex sentences.
Woah!! these toys are so cool,i’ll just go check them out.I was extremely excited, but first I had to ask my mum, hopefully she says yes. She said “yup you can go. I'll just go check my things out”.
Walking towards the toys, I was getting a bit worried that I would get lost. I looked back and she vanished in thin air.I started calling out “mum!” I didn't hear her,I called again “muum!” didn't hear her again. I started thinking ‘what should I do’ ‘ding idea’. Why not look through some aisles?
Looking in some aisles,soon I heard a call which said “Jeevanjot” I followed the voice and it led…...My Mum! and that's my lost story
Self assessment
I think I did well on my goal. I had some complex sentences but I think I still need to improve.
Goal=have some complex sentences.
Woah!! these toys are so cool,i’ll just go check them out.I was extremely excited, but first I had to ask my mum, hopefully she says yes. She said “yup you can go. I'll just go check my things out”.
Walking towards the toys, I was getting a bit worried that I would get lost. I looked back and she vanished in thin air.I started calling out “mum!” I didn't hear her,I called again “muum!” didn't hear her again. I started thinking ‘what should I do’ ‘ding idea’. Why not look through some aisles?
Looking in some aisles,soon I heard a call which said “Jeevanjot” I followed the voice and it led…...My Mum! and that's my lost story
Self assessment
I think I did well on my goal. I had some complex sentences but I think I still need to improve.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Moment In Time
A Moment in Time by Jeevanjot
“It's so fun!”I said While I was making my cool as car to watch the movie, which was Home Alone, I felt like I was going to stay here for a long time.
First I had to find the perfect size cardboard box because I needed to fit into the cardboard box and be comfortable inside of it. I heard people talking about each other's cool cars I liked Jaden Harmer because it looked like a limo I wish I could make one like that but in the end It didn't look like a Limo at all. I also made my Drink holder and my popcorn I just couldn't stop thinking of how yum the food would be I couldn't get it out of my head.
After that I started painting my drive in movie car. I painted it blue and a little bit of green it looked cool.once I finished I was puffing in relief but finally the time has come where the movie started!!
Friday, April 8, 2016
Friday, April 1, 2016
Monday, March 7, 2016
My thank letter
Dear Karen
Thank you for coming to Camp Omatua and helping us get things ready and bringing me to camp because I was doing day trips. Here are some of my highlights.
Learning more about Camp Omatua and exploring all the cool places at Camp Omatua. My other highlights were making new friends and playing Army Tag in the bamboo forest and other places. I also liked when we did our camp activities such as lost in the bush.You had to grab a bag that had a cellphone in it,but you could only use 2 really big sticks,tape and scissors.(It wasn't a real working phone) but it was really easy.
Here’s my Acrostic poem for you.
Thanks for helping
Have a great day
A helper is needed such as you
Never bad
Kindness is in you
Super awesome
Kind and caring
Amazing and cool
Really helpful
Exciting and funny
Nice and neat
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
5 things about me
I'm 80% Indian
My favorite game is Call Of Duty Black Ops
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